Friday, May 2, 2008

Bridge Building Contest

Next week, my school is conducting their annual Physics Bridge Building contest. It has been held since 1980 and the contestants are Physics students in grade 11 and 12 who are competing to build the most durable bridge. Of there are certain rules the contestant must observe such as the bridge bing a certain weight. The record for the most weight held is 209.4 kg. Sponsors such as BCIT and The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering have sponsored the contest for some years.

Vancouver is a city of many interesting bridges.
Here's my favourite: (Lion's Gate Bridge)

For more information visit this additional link from the Balsa Bridge website. This outlines basic bridge types.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Recently my ICT class has produced multiform projects with different themes using Visual Basic. Each project has various forms incorporated in them, they are to do with the following...a calculator, a clock, a paint program, a word generator, a splash screen, a menu, an about form, two games(about racing and finding an object) , a closing screen, and an Easter egg(hidden form). Pictures were applied as well corresponding to the theme of the project. My theme was different choices of Fondue so I placed severval types of Fondue as backgrounds for the forms, overall I enjoyed creating these forms and suggest you give it a try sometime.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Computer Disassembly Project

Ryan and I have disassembled a Compaq DeskPro with Pentium III processor. In order to disassemble the computer, first we had to remove the case by pressing two side buttons that unlock the case. Next we removed all the power and data cables and immediately begun removing actual hardware. The power supply was our first choice which then was followed by the RAM sticks (a flick of two fasteners removed this) and the hard drive. For the hard drive a green plastic sheath covered it, this was unscrewed, as well as the network card which was after. Connected to the network card was the sound card, this had to be unscrewed in order to remove these parts. Next we proceeded with the cooling fan accompanied by the CD-Rom and Floppy drive. Lastly we removed the back up battery and speaker, this concludes our computer disassemble project.

Monday, December 10, 2007

If you by chance have bought a camera recently I recommend you visit this site.

New Camera Survey

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

OLPC - One Laptop Per Child

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One Laptop Per Child is a non-profit organization, founded by Nicholas Negroponte, which provides children in third world countries with a laptop so that they can have the ability to gain technological knowledge. In addition, these laptops can be a light source for the children's homes. To operate these laptops, there is a crank on the side of it. Wind up the crank, and the laptop can operate up to 10 hours. Also, the program makes sure that the laptop goes into the hands of the child. Personally, I think the OLPC program could be a wonderful way to enrich the lives of the less fortunate and help make the world increasingly interconnected.
For more information, visit the One Laptop Per Child site.For even more information, read the article written by Mr. Vogel on it.

Google Analytics

I have added google analytics two weeks ago and have started to see different visitors from Canada. Five from Vancouver, three from Burnaby and one from New Westminister. Google analytics keeps track of visitors visiting my blog.